Mountain Biking - Look for guesthouse accommodation in Muldersdrift?

Muldersdrift is a fantastic area, home to a variety of tourist attractions and things to do, it promises to keep you busy throughout your stay.

Outdoor activities in Muldersdrift

Our guesthouse in Muldersdrift is ideally located close to the Muldersdrift cycle route and the Avianto Mountain Bike Trails.

The Avianto Trails are situated at Avianto clubhouse in Muldersdrift and accommodate every level of mountain bike skills.

Ranging from beginner to expert, they are guaranteed to get your adrenalin pumping whilst you take in the beauty of the Muldersdrift countryside.

The beginner/green loop trail is 6km in length and consists mostly of jeep track and dirt roads.

The more experienced trail or blue intermediate loop is just over 17km with some more challenging sections with single-track and tougher climbs.

The blue loop includes an old train track and tunnel which is a wonderful addition to the whole trail experience.

Once on the blue loop riders have the option of taking the more advanced black sections which have been built for the more skilled mountain bike riders.

For the expert rider there is the disreputable testing route, with a fairly short distance riders should not be misled, the name says it all testing both your skills and fitness levels.

The owners are constantly adding new additions to both the blue and black loops, offering variety and great value for money.

Once you have had your adrenalin fix and you feel the need to relax, our guesthouse is the perfect place.

With our peaceful surroundings we offer our guests utter tranquility, rest and relaxation.

For accommodation enquiries please contact us feel free to contact us.

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 086 644 9558

Cell: 072 562 3396


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