Of all the places to stay in Muldersdrift, Random Harvest Country Cottages offers you the unique opportunity to explore a working plant nursery that specializes in growing plants indigenous to South Africa, all while enjoying the tranquil setting of our self-catering accommodation in Muldersdrift.
The abundance and diversity of indigenous plants at Random Harvest Indigenous Nursery is astounding. This is not surprising, as the core of our business is the growing of native plants. These plants are vital to include in creating green space in an urban area, as a refuge for people to get close to and reconnect with nature.
You only need to immerse yourself in your own private cottage garden, full of birdsong and butterflies, to appreciate the peace and rejuvenating energy that is imparted by being surrounded by indigenous plants that support a host of creatures. Guests often mention how our self-catering chalets offer a rare opportunity to relax in a natural sanctuary while staying connected to local flora and fauna.
You will be amazed at the variety of colourful indigenous flowering plants. Strolling from your cottage down to reception, you will probably notice just how many indigenous tree species are growing on this Highveld farm. This connection to nature makes our self-catering Muldersdrift cottages a favorite among visitors seeking an escape from the city.
A guided tour through our growing section, rare and unusual indigenous plants, and then through our restored natural grassland can be arranged—just ask at reception, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. When we are extremely busy in the retail and wholesale nursery, you might need to book a guided tour the day before.
The rare and unusual indigenous plant section always attracts interest. Not open to the general public, it is only accessible on request, with a guide. But book your visit now…you won’t be disappointed!
The restored natural grassland has an abundance of veld grasses and other indigenous plant species. You may be lucky enough to see a Scrub Hare or the Guinea Fowl flock.
The wildlife dam situated in the grassland is teeming with life, and a bench there makes a beautiful space to sit and contemplate. Watch a breathtaking sunrise or listen to the gentle music of insects and birds.
In summer, you may be lucky enough to see an increasingly scarce Bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) as it is their breeding season. The territorial males are particularly conspicuous and noisy!
If you decide that you cannot possibly leave without a few plants or find the perfect plant or gift for a friend or loved one, we are happy to help you package it, either to take with you or courier to its destination. Many of our guests staying at our self-catering chalets in Muldersdrift love taking a piece of Random Harvest home with them to remember their stay.
From the towering Cyphostemma species to the delicate, little-seen-in-cultivation Crossandra fruticulosa, these fascinating plants are being propagated by our specialists for sale in the future
Indigenous or native plants are plants that occur naturally in a country. They grow best in the areas that they occur naturally in. Indigenous plants support the local wildlife, as they provide food, shelter, and a place to nest and rest for them. They are often waterwise and hardy, unless they come from an area that receives a lot of rainfall.
A pair of flat shoes, a sunhat, and sunscreen are always advisable to explore our outdoor indigenous nursery.
You can either call us on 082 553 0598 or email us on info@rhn.co.za or cottages@rhn.co.za, or simply ask or book with us on arrival at reception.
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